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COCKNEY SLANG CONTENT Introduction ……………………………………...3 Cockney slang…………………………………….4 The Etymology of Cockney………………………5 Who speaks Cockney……………………………..6 Features of Cockney……………………………...7 Cockney Rhyming Slang…………………………8 Grammatical features…………………………….9 Mockney………………………………………….10 Conclusion………………………………………..11 List of references………………………………....12 The Theme: Investigation is London slang Cockney. The Task: To Know how we can use this slang in real life. Can it be useful in learning foreign (English) language? The aim: To prove the hypothesis of this investigation The hypothesis: We can’t understand Londoners without Cockney slang Introduction The theme of my investigation is London slang Cockney. I think we can’t understand Londoners without learning modern slangs and dialects. London is not only…
Municipal educational institution "Lyceum N 22" RESEARCH PAPER on the topic “The Beatles and their impact on youth of the XX century” Student: form 5 “V” Polekhina Veronika Supervisor: Matkevich M.S., a teacher of English Voskresensk, 2018 Contest Contest 2 Introduction 3 Part I. Who were they 4 1. The story of the band 4 2. The secret of success 7 3. The Beatles influence 10 Part II. Practical part 13 Conclusion 18 Literature 19 Introduction We all know that music is the greatest thing which joins people over the world. It’s common human possession and it hasn’t got nationality.…
Понедельник, 30 сентября 2019 16:18

Фестиваль "Фольклор на иностранном языке"

Понедельник, 30 ноября 2015 10:02

Mother's Wishes Express