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Четверг, 21 марта 2019 08:58

Hobbies in the USA and the UK

Hobbies are a great British and American tradition. A hobby is a special interest or activity that you do in your time off. A «hobby» is usually something that a person does alone. But American (and British) families sometimes like to do things together too. Some American families have quite a lot of money to spend on their recreation. They can all enjoy their holiday home or their boat somewhere in the country away from it. Americans love to get out of town into the wild and many go for holidays or long weekends into the thirty-five fabulous national parks.…
Вторник, 09 февраля 2016 11:46

New Zealand

Maori name: Aotearoa (= land of the white cloud) Capital: Wellington Size: 270,534 km² Population: 3.5 million Borders: no direct borders; surrounded by sea (South Pacific) Currency: New Zealand Dollar Official languages: English, Maori Nationality / People: A person of New Zealand nationality is a New Zealander. Local time: 23:46 NZST (Tuesday, 9th February 2016) Other interesting facts: The country's nearest neighbour is Australia, which lies more than 1,600 km northwest of New Zealand. New Zealand comprises two main islands (North Island and South Island) and a number of small islands, some of which are hundreds of kilometres from the…
Вторник, 09 февраля 2016 11:45


Official name: Commonwealth of Australia Capital: Canberra Size: 7.7 million km² Population: 21 million Borders: no direct borders; Timor Sea and Arafura Sea (northwest), Torres Strait (northeast), Great Barrier Reef (northeast), Tasman Sea (southeast), Indian Ocean (south) Currency: Australian Dollar Official language: English Nationality / People A person of Australian nationality is an Australian. Local time: Perth: 19:45 WST (Tuesday, 9th February 2016)Sydney: 21:45 EST (Tuesday, 9th February 2016) Other interesting facts: Australia is not only a country but also the smallest continent.
Вторник, 09 февраля 2016 11:40


Accompany us on our virtual Tour around Ireland. We've picked the nicest places on the Emerald Isle for you to explore. Official name: Republic of Ireland Irish name: Éire Capital: Dublin Size: 70,282 km² Population: 3.5 million Borders: Northern Ireland (north), Irish Sea (east), Atlantic Ocean (south, west) Currency: Euro Official languages: English, Irish Nationality / People: A person of Irish nationality is an Irishman or an Irishwoman. Local time: 11:43 GMT (Tuesday, 9th February 2016) Other interesting facts: As Ireland is famous for its green countryside, it is also known as the “Emerald Isle” (= green island).
Пятница, 30 октября 2015 18:28


Official name: Canada Capital: Ottawa Size: 9,970,610 km² Population: 29.1 million Borders: Arctic Ocean (north), Atlantic Ocean (east), USA (south), USA (Alaska), Pacific Ocean (west) Currency: Canadian Dollar Official languages: English, French Nationality / People: A person of Canadian nationality is a Canadian. Local time: Ottawa: 06:38 EST (Tuesday, 9th February 2016)Vancouver: 03:38 PST (Tuesday, 9th February 2016) Other interesting facts: Canada is the second largest country in the world (after Russia). Almost 10 percent (755,180 km²) of Canada's total area are inland water. Canada is located in North America and stretches all the way from the Atlantic to the…
Пятница, 30 октября 2015 18:25


Official name: United States of America Abbreviations: U.S. / U.S.A. Capital: Washington, D.C. Size: 9,529,063 km² (plus approximately 10,360 km² for outlying territories and other politically associated areas) Population: 281.4 million Borders: Canada (north), Atlantic Ocean (east), Mexico and Gulf of Mexico (south), Pacific Ocean (west) Currency: US Dollar Official language: English Nationality / People A person of American nationality is an American. Local time: New York: 06:43 EST (Tuesday, 9th February 2016)Los Angeles: 03:43 PST (Tuesday, 9th February 2016) Other interesting facts: The United States is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada, and China). It…
Пятница, 30 октября 2015 18:16

Great Britain

Official name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Abbreviation: UK Capital: London Size: 244,101 km² Population: 60 million Borders: Irish Republic (south of Northern Ireland), Atlantic Ocean (north), North Sea (east), English Channel (south), Irish Sea (west, but east of Northern Ireland) Currency: Pound Sterling Official language: English Nationality / People: A person of British nationality is a Briton. Local time: 11:44 GMT (Tuesday, 9th February 2016) Other interesting facts: The terms United Kingdom, Great Britain and England are often confused. Great Britain comprises England, Wales, and Scotland. The United Kingdom also includes Northern Ireland.